Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spider Math & Ways to Make FREEBIE!

Last week we were working on Spiders! This is always such a fun unit, the kids really love digging deep into the spider world and it's always fun to make cute spiders!!  One of the activites we did was a spider glyph from the amazing Deanna Jump's Spider Math & Literacy Packet!  I love integrating every subject into our science or thematic unit, especially MATH!

So I started out with this cute little guy from the good old Mailbox then I realized {right before the kids came back from PE} that I had absolutely NO idea what we were going to do with him!

Ha, so after 2 minutes of scrambling around I came up with .


I had each student choose a number 2-10, and we wrote it on the spiders tummy.  Then we folded a black sheet of construction paper 3 times to make some legs and cut them out.  Then one by one, we wrote 8 different ways to make the number we chose to write on the tummy.  I loved it because even though we were doing this activity together, they still had to really think about their specific number and how to come up with that solution or difference.  So here are some samples, I think they came out pretty cute!

So after this lesson I was trying to think of a way to re create that craft on an easier template, so WAYS TO MAKE was born!  Its just a very simple packet that has a spider web to show different ways of making that number!  Numbers 1-10 are included in this download; hope you can use them in your class either as a work station, morning work or wherever you see fit!  Please comment and tell me how you used it!
Click {HERE} to get yours!

Happy Sunday, have a FABULOUS week!


  1. Your Ways to Make looks awesome! =)

    I would fall on the ground with glee if the Kinders coming to 1st grade could do that!

    Heather's Heart

  2. Thanks Heather!

    We are so blessed to have such a high group! It's tough keepin' up sometimes! :)


  3. I LOVE, love, LOVE these! Thank you so much!
